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Brief analysis of the problem in the Chinese electrical industry
Release Time:2010-10-23  Views :
Currently, the following main issues China Machine Components Industry:
    First, serious overlapping, low degree of specialization, not form scale, economic efficiency
    Compared with the host machine parts enterprises to establish initial financial and technical inputs required relatively small, so in a period of several countries, economic development, have increased the number of basic parts manufacturer, also appeared a large number of low-level redundant construction, and more, in small quantities, not form economies of scale. Although the basic parts enterprises gradually independent of OEMs, but most of the enterprise itself is large and small and complete, low degree of specialization, the equipment level is not high, the quality of instability, low economic efficiency. As the sum of China's bearing industry bearing three large enterprise with an annual output of less than 50 known foreign company. The past two years, China built hundreds of hydraulic parts factory, but only a few with an annual output of more than 300,000, mainly agricultural products is complete. The annual output of Germany Rexroth hydraulic items 1.3 million Yuken Japan has an annual output of 600,000 or more. Industrial countries die enterprises per capita GDP of about $ 15 million to 200,000, of only 40,000 ~ 50,000 yuan. In recent years, along with a variety of common ownership of development policies, basic components industry is undergoing intensive development process from scattered to gradually set.
    Second, the research and development is weak, insufficient capital investment, technological progress is slow
    Basic parts industry in the late 1970s and early 1980s to early introduction of a number of foreign advanced technology, but the lack of adequate absorption of hardware and software investment. According to foreign experience, the introduction of technology digestion and absorption ratio of funds required is about 1: 7, but China later this familiar, slow pace of digestion and absorption. Market competition actually is the technical strength of the contest. Foreign attached great importance, we have increased investment, occupy high ground. Major funding for scientific research and development company known for its sales account for 4 to 5, up to 10 focus areas. At present, China Although many colleges and universities engaged in research work, a lot of theoretical research, scientific research, patents, papers have a very high level, but with the combination of the actual production is not tight, the extraordinary is transformed into commodities slow.
    Third, and related raw materials, backward technology, low level of technology and technological equipment, restricted the development of the base member
The quality of steel fasteners, chains, springs, bearings, molds and other products used by the poor and less variety of specifications, a direct impact on the quality of basic products, and hydraulic parts and hydraulic parts and castings product quality-related electronic control technology backward, but also directly affect the quality and reliability of the hydraulic components. Mechanical parts are generally based batch, mass production, but also more variety, high precision machining products, so the production technology and equipment requirements, big investments. Foreign use of high efficiency and precision of the plane, line or soft line for efficient automated production. However, some basic pieces of business by financial constraints, small investment, enterprises transform themselves poor, less advanced equipment not matching, affecting the quality of products and quality.
    Comprehensive analysis, the main cause of these problems lies in:
    1. Enterprises basis of weak
    Since the basis of the difference between China Machine Components Industry, weak economic foundation, less investment in science and technology, development is weak, can not adapt to the host introduce the industry, joint ventures, requires cooperation and rapid development, resulting in mechanical foundation of the domestic market share declined.
    The lack of strong policy support 2. National Machine Components Industry
    Although the national industrial policy, a clear focus to support important basic pieces of machinery, but the lack of appropriate support supporting policies, such as mold industry tax burden too heavy for a VAT refund part of the business, there are only less than one hundred, too narrow, limited role, but also need to continue to support the policy.
    Therefore, in order to improve the market competitiveness of China Machine Components products to better meet China's machinery industry on the basis of pieces of supporting domestic demand, China's basic parts industry is expected to face further adjustments to integrate the advantages of resources, eliminate backward enterprises. In the next five to 10 years, the industry will be in the development of brand-name products and brand-name enterprises, technical innovation, improve the competitiveness of domestic and foreign markets and the strengthening of intensive management and strive to attain greater progress and breakthroughs.
    In order to improve the market competitiveness of China Machine Components products to better meet China's machinery industry on the basis of pieces of supporting domestic demand, China's basic parts industry is expected to face further adjustments to integrate the advantages of resources, eliminate backward enterprises.
    Due to the important position of machine parts in the machinery industry in the familiar late, lack of long-term investment, so that the entire industry infrastructure is poor, weak economic foundation and strength of the weak. As China is an extraordinary level of the host, machine parts bottleneck behind the hosts increasingly apparent. In recent years, although the introduction of technology, technological innovation, scientific research and development, our country has given some support, but compared with the current market demand and foreign level, there is still not a small gap, in particular in: less product variety, low level, quality instability, early failure rate, poor reliability.
    China Machine Components product variety, size small, a large high-end products is extraordinary gap, can not meet the growing needs of the host. At present, the performance of various types of host base member is substantially equivalent to the 20th century, the level of foreign 80s. Quality of instability, early failure rate, poor reliability, is the Achilles heel of the foundation member. Therefore, many OEMs to improve the market competitiveness of its host, often choose to import the basis of supporting, resulting in domestic basic parts, the extraordinary low-tech products, the domestic market share declined. Although China's exports of basic items have obvious advantages, but mainly labor-intensive products, a large number of low-value, technology added value.
Key Words : 封頭
Elliptical head
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Spherical head spin edge
Flat Head
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Conical head
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Spherical cap shaped head
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Insulation panel
Insulation panel
Expansion Joints
Expansion Joints
Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
Manhole flange
Manhole flange
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