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Features cap head comparison
Release Time:2011-12-19  Views :
Caps and head are very similar in appearance, as well as colleagues said today as the head of the sub-image pan. Caps and head the main difference between them on the inside diameter size, and scope. In this paper, pipe caps and head their own characteristics compared as follows:
Just plug cap pipe, DN will use more than 300 head in place, if confined to strength check. Caps and head shape similar to stainless steel head with more than, cap size is relatively small and can be forged; head size is relatively little large, generally use pressed steel, pipe caps are generally used for the ends of the tube, with head in up and down (vertical devices) or parts of left and right ends (horizontal equipment) container device;
Head is the inner diameter, such as 1 meter, refer to the inner diameter of the cap portion of the transition is not a requirement (unlike standard oval), general manual can only be found in the diameter and length, and a long straight edge portions .
Key Words : 封頭
Elliptical head
Elliptical head
Butterfly head
Butterfly head
Spherical head spin edge
Spherical head spin edge
Flat Head
Flat Head
Spherical head
Spherical head
Bow bottom head
Bow bottom head
Conical head
Conical head
Spherical cap shaped head
Spherical cap shaped head
Insulation panel
Insulation panel
Expansion Joints
Expansion Joints
Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
Manhole flange
Manhole flange
Wenzhou Shangshang Metal Products Co., Ltd.
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